Sunday, 16 October 2011

Analysis for questionaire

My questionnaire showed a majority of results, which didn’t cause very many suprises. The only thing i noticed clearly from my results was that there was that there was a mass difference between what people did want , and what people didn’t wan rot were undecided about. For example, the first question in my questionnaire was ‘what fonts would you like your magazine to consist of?’.
The results showed that 25% of students wanted new times roman, and a minor 5% wanted aerial, and the remaining 60% wanted comic sans. I think this is because new times roman can be quite difficult to read, where as comic sans is a more simplistic font to adapt to.
If the fint is therefore easier to read, it will draw more students to the magazine. in addition to this, comic sans appears to be a more reader friendly font that new times roman, therefore will allow the readers to enjoy reading the magazine at ease.
My second question, 'who would you like to feature in your magazine?' this was answered as acurately as i thought. due to the majority of people i asked being in 6thform, 50% of students agreed that the magazine should be based mainly if not entirely on 6thform, therefore apploed to them. however, 20% said that years 7-9 and above would be more appropriate because they're adapting to school life aswell as certain examinations depending on the year. this therefore would be more of a guide for students rather than just a magazine.
in addition to this, 10% of people chose years 10/11 because that's what year a small majority of students i surveyed were in. however, 30% agreed that it should and would be fair that all years should be allowed in one school magazine, so it apply to everyone. 
in question four, out of the 30% of people who chose 'all years' 85% said that the school should not have individual sections for each year, as this would rise the cost in production of the magazine. yet 15% agreed that yes, this would be a good idea.
furthermore,  in question five, the results were very close. only a small 5% of people wanted it to be a seasonally themed magazine, which shocked me, due to my initial thoughts that school children would be more drawn to a brighter and themed magazine. this was my only major shock, as i estimated that most people would enjoy a seasonal genre of magazine.
however, the remaining two results were extremely close. the 40% of students who were unsure about the question was taken over by the 55% of people who disagreed and said they wouldn't like a seasonally themed magazine, as they thought it was inappropriate to the place in which it was given out/sold. (school).
the next question that was asked was 'what colour scheme would you like your magazine to consist of?'. in addition to this, if the students who participated in the survey chose other, they had space to explain what they thought. the other two options were if they wanted seasonally themed, which would rely on what they had answered in the previous question, as well as the other option being school colour based. as a result of this, 25% chose seasonal, 50% chose school colour based, and 15% chose other, yet only 10% made any suggestions. i think this is because school colours apply to the mass choice of pupils who chose that they'd like to have a non seasonally themed magazine.
question seven on the other hand, asked survey takers 'what fonts size would you like your magazine to follow?'. this resulted in the more popular font size being size 11, and the least popular font size being size 18. i think this is because font size 18 would not allow you to fit alot of information on each page. however, font size 11 allows plenty of information on the page, as well as it being easy to read. 
finally, question 8 asked whether or not the questionnaire missed out any questions that may be important to the magazine. as a result of this, 6 people made suggestions, 70% of people made no suggestions.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Pie Chart of Questionaire Results

New Questionaire

1. what fints would you like your magazine to consist of?

new times roman [  ]
comic sans [  ]
aerial [  ]

2. who would you like to feature in your magazine?

6thform [  ]
years 7-9 [ ]
years 10 - 11 [  ]
all [  ]

3. would you like your magazine to be  aimed at?

years 7-9 [  ]
years 10 - 11 [  ]
6thform [  ]
all lower school  (7-11) [  ]
all (7-6thform) [  ]

4. if you chose all school, should the magazine have individual sections for each year?

yes [  ]
no [  ]

5. would you like your magzine to be seasonal? (christmas/halloween etc)?

yes [  ]
no [  ]
half and half [  ]

6. what colour scheme would you like your magazine to consist of?

seasonal themed [  ]
school colours [  ]
other [  ]

if you chose other, what are your ideas?


7. what font size would you like your magazine to follow?

10 [  ]
11 [  ]
14 [  ]
18 [  ]

8. if we have missed out any ideas you would like YOUR school magazine to have, please note your suggestions..


THANKYOU for your times
editor, O.Woods